Gene expression in response to inflammatory stimuli is controlled by both transcriptional and posttranscriptional mechanisms in immune cells. Posttranscriptional regulation that modifies mRNA stability and translation provides rapid and flexible control of gene expression and control of mRNAs stability is important for coordinating the initiation and resolution of inflammation. However, the posttranscriptional mechanisms in innate immunity remain to be clarified. This study is aiming to investigate the posttranscriptional mechanisms in innate immunity based on the roles of RNA binding proteins and RNase we identified.
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View SamplesDuodenums were isolated from Regnase-1-deficient mice and their controls. Tissues were immediately homogenized in TRIzol (Life Technologies). Total RNA was isolated according to the manufacture''s protocol.
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Age, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesTh17 cells are enriched by sorting FR4-CD4+ T cells from SKG mice. A large number of Th17 cells also develop spontaneously when CD4+ T cells from IFN-g-deficient (IFN-g-/-) BALB/c mice are transferred to T cell-deficient RAG2-deficient (RAG2-/-) mice and subjected to homeostatic proliferation, whereas they fail to develop in similar transfer of IL-6-deficient (IL-6-/-) CD4+ T cells to IL-6-/- RAG2-/- mice.
Preferential recruitment of CCR6-expressing Th17 cells to inflamed joints via CCL20 in rheumatoid arthritis and its animal model.
Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesSpecification of germ cell fate is fundamental in development. With a highly representative single-cell microarray and rigorous quantitative-PCR analysis, we defined the genome-wide transcription dynamics that create primordial germ cells (PGCs) from the epiblast, a process that exclusively segregates them from their somatic neighbors. We also analyzed the effect of the loss of Blimp1, a key transcriptional regulator, on these dynamics. Our analysis revealed that PGC specification involves complex, yet highly ordered regulation of a large number of genes, proceeding under the strong influence of mesoderm induction with active repression of specific programs such as epithelial-mesenchymal transition, Hox gene activation, cell-cycle progression and DNA methyltransferase machinery. Remarkably, Blimp1 is essential for repressing nearly all the genes normally down-regulated in PGCs relative to their somatic neighbors, whereas it is dispensable for the activation of approximately half of the genes up-regulated in PGCs.
Complex genome-wide transcription dynamics orchestrated by Blimp1 for the specification of the germ cell lineage in mice.
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View SamplesMany organisms acquired circadian clock system to adapt daily and seasonal environmental changes. Mammals have the master clock in the brains suprachiasmatic nucleus (SCN) that synchronizes other circadian clocks in the peripheral tissues or organs. Plants also have circadian clock in their bodies, but the presence of the tissue-specific functions of circadian clock is remained elusive. The aim of this experiment is to compare tissue-specific gene expression profile using gene expression Microarray.
Tissue-specific clocks in Arabidopsis show asymmetric coupling.
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Induction of mouse germ-cell fate by transcription factors in vitro.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesSpermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) have pluripotent potential. However, frequency of pluripotent cell derivation is low and the mechanism of culture-induced reprogramming remains unknown. Here we report that epigenetic instability of germline stem (GS) cells, cultured SSCs, induces pluripotent cell derivation. GS cells undergo DNA demethylation in H19 differentially methylated region under low-density culture. When H19 demethylation was induced by Dnmt1 depletion, they converted into embryonic stem (ES)-like cells. Dnmt1 depletion downregulated Dmrt1 expression, whose depletion also induced pluripotency. Functional screening of Dmrt1 target gene revealed that Dmrt1 depletion upregulates Sox2, the key molecule responsible for generating induced pluripotent stem cells. Although Sox2 transfection upregulated Oct4 and produced pluripotent cells, this conversion was inhibited by Oct1 overexpression, suggesting that the balance of Oct proteins maintains SSC identity. These results suggest that culture-induced reprogramming is caused by unstable DNA methylation, and that Dmrt1-Sox2 cascade is critical for regulating pluripotency in SSCs.
Regulation of pluripotency in male germline stem cells by Dmrt1.
Specimen part, Treatment
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Identification of MMP1 as a novel risk factor for intracranial aneurysms in ADPKD using iPSC models.
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Distinct DNA-based epigenetic switches trigger transcriptional activation of silent genes in human dermal fibroblasts.
Sex, Treatment
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An improved single-cell cDNA amplification method for efficient high-density oligonucleotide microarray analysis.
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