In mice, primordial germ cells (PGCs), which are the precursors of gametes, are fate-determined from pluripotent epiblasts. The epigenetic regulation of PGC fate determination remains poorly understood. We identify histone deacetylase 3 (HDAC3) as an epigenetic regulator of PGC fate determination by an RNA interference screen for histone modifier genes involved in PGC-like cell (PGCLC) induction in culture. To comprehensively investigate changes in gene expression following Hdac3-KD during PGCLC induction, we carried out RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) analysis to compare the transcriptome of the Hdac3-KD cells with that of the control KD cells 2 days after induction of PGCLCs.
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View SamplesGene expression was examined in granulosa cells and oocytes in various stage of follicle and in vitro grown oocytes and granulosa cells complexes in sus scrofa.
Gene expression patterns in granulosa cells and oocytes at various stages of follicle development as well as in in vitro grown oocyte-and-granulosa cell complexes.
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View SamplesTranscriptiome analysis is an excellent approach to understand the mechanism underlying nuclear reprogramming in somatic-cell-cloned embryos. Analysis of the transcriptomic data from the oocyte to blastocyst stage revealed that specific genes were inappropriately reprogrammed at each stage. Sertoli cell-cloned embryos appear to develop normally because the progression of incorrect reprogramming is concealed throughout development.
The transcriptomic architecture of mouse Sertoli cell clone embryos reveals temporal–spatial-specific reprogramming.
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View SamplesThe oocytes of B6.Y(TIR) sex-reversed female mouse mature in culture but fail to develop after fertilization because of their cytoplasmic defects. To identify the defective components, we compared the gene expression profiles between the fully-grown oocytes of B6.Y(TIR) (XY) females and those of their XX littermates by cDNA microarray. 173 genes were found to be higher and 485 genes were lower in XY oocytes than in XX oocytes by at least 2-fold. We compared the transcript levels of selected genes by RT-PCR in XY and XX oocytes, as well as in XO oocytes missing paternal X-chromosomes. All genes tested showed comparable transcript levels between XX and XO oocytes, indicating that mRNA accumulation is well adjusted in XO oocytes. By contrast, in addition to Y-encoded genes, many genes showed significantly different transcript levels in XY oocytes. We speculate that the presence of the Y-chromosome, rather than the absence of the second X-chromosome, caused dramatic changes in the gene expression profile in the XY fully-grown oocyte.
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View SamplesMicroarray experiments were performed using Arabidopsis wild type plants (Col-0) and srk2dei triple knockout mutant to investigate the functions of ABA-activated protein kinases, SRK2D/SnRK2.2, SRK2E/OST1 and SRK2I/SnRK2.3. Transcription profiles of wild type and mutants were compared under ABA treatment or dehydration stress for 0 and 90 min. The srk2dei mutant was established by crossing T-DNA insertion mutants provided from Arabidopsis Biological Resource Center.
Genetics and phosphoproteomics reveal a protein phosphorylation network in the abscisic acid signaling pathway in Arabidopsis thaliana
Age, Specimen part
View SamplesTo mimic natural flooding conditions, we have adopted an open system treatment, in which only roots are subjected to hypoxia treatment. Using microarray analysis, we identified a number of AP2/ERF genes in Arabidopsis that are induced at different stages of hypoxia treatment.
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View SamplesEmbryo implantation is an essential step for the establishment of pregnancy and is crucial for the successful embryo transplantation of in vitro fertilization embryos. The successful implantation of an embryo depends upon cellular and molecular dialog between the uterus and the embryo.
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View Samplesfor studying heat resistant genes
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View SamplesRNA-sequencing study of the granulosa cells that has been exposed to no or 1 µg/ml E2 for 4days, and OGCs that formed antrum at 8days.
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View SamplesIn order to study the physiological function of OsSRT1, a 412 bp segment of the 3-untranslated region of OsSRT1, which was not conserved with OsSRT2, was inserted in inverted repeats to build a construct for RNA interference (RNAi). The construct was used to transform an indica rice variety (Minghui63).To study whether the down-regulation of OsSRT1 affected gene expression, we compared the transcripts of the RNAi to the wild type plants by microarray analysis (Affymetrix). RNAs were isolated from young leaves of 11 day-old plants (before appearance of lesions in the RNAi plants). Affymetrix GeneChip Rice Genome Array were performed. Data was analyzed with SAM excel add-in and in-house perl scripts.Analysis of data from three biological repeats revealed that 521 genes are up-regulated, and 213 genes are down-regulated (with q value at 5%).
Down-regulation of a SILENT INFORMATION REGULATOR2-related histone deacetylase gene, OsSRT1, induces DNA fragmentation and cell death in rice.
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