The study aims to elucidate the effect of mono-ubiquitination of histone H2B at K123.
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View SamplesBoth benign nevi and melanomas exhibit high rates of activating mutations in BRAF kinase, suggesting that this event is important for melanocyte proliferation and melanoma initiation in vivo; however, the precise mechanism of BRAF kinase action in these lesions remains to be elucidated. We have used comprehensive gene expression profiling to evaluate the downstream effectors of activated BRAFV600E kinase in primary human melanocytes and identified a dominant proliferative target gene signature for BRAF kinase in these cells.
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View SamplesMost organisms have an endogenous circadian clock that is synchronized to environmental signals such as light and temperature. Although circadian rhythms have been described in the nematode C. elegans at the behavioral level, these rhythms appear to be relatively non-robust. Moreover, in contrast to other animal models, no circadian transcriptional rhythms have been identified. Thus, whether this simple nematode contains a bona fide circadian clock remains an open question.
Genome-wide analysis of light- and temperature-entrained circadian transcripts in Caenorhabditis elegans.
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View SamplesTo identify transcripts that are regulated by putative transcriptional co-activators, WT (Col) and KO of heat responsive transcriptional co-activator (Multiprotein Bridging Factor 1c) in Arabidopsis were subjeted to heat stress. These plants were compared to find transcripts that are regulated by the transcriptional co-activator during heat stress.
Identification of the MBF1 heat-response regulon of Arabidopsis thaliana
Age, Specimen part, Time
View SamplesEctopic pregnancy is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality among women in the first trimester. A reliable diagnostic test for the detection of ectopic pregnancy in cases of non-viable pregnancy of unknown location (NV-PUL) is needed. The objective of the current study is to define differences in molecular expression profiles in ectopic and abnormal intrauterine pregnancies toward discovery of biologically plausible ectopic classifier candidate. These samples come from a prospective cohort study comparing transcriptome profiles from women with ectopic pregnancy (ECT) or non-viable intrauterine pregnancy (NV-IUP). Samples were analyzed with the Affymetrix Human Gene 2.0 ST Array.
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View SamplesHuman strabismic extraocular muscles (EOMs) differ from normal EOMs in structural and functional properties, but the gene expression profile of these two types of human EOM has not been examined. Differences in gene expression may inform about causes and effects of the strabismic condition in humans. Our samples are from human strabismic patients undergoing corrective surgery, and from human organ donors with no history of EOM disease.
Differences in gene expression between strabismic and normal human extraocular muscles.
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View SamplesInterstitial cells of Cajal (ICC) have important functions in regulation of motor activity in the gastrointestinal tract. In murine small intestine ICC are gathered in the region of the myenteric plexus (ICC-MY) and within the deep-muscular plexus near the submucosal surface of the circular muscle layer (ICC-DMP). These two classes of ICC have different physiological functions.
Differential gene expression in functional classes of interstitial cells of Cajal in murine small intestine.
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View SamplesOverexpression of a grapevine C-repeat binding factor (CBF) gene, VvCBF4 in cv. Freedom was found to improve freezing survival in non-cold-acclimated vines.
The Vitis vinifera C-repeat binding protein 4 (VvCBF4) transcriptional factor enhances freezing tolerance in wine grape.
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View SamplesSystemic transcriptional responses in Arabidopsis thaliana distal leaves to wounding
The plant NADPH oxidase RBOHD mediates rapid systemic signaling in response to diverse stimuli.
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View SamplesBackground: In vitro culture of preimplantation mouse embryos is associated with changes in gene expression. It is however not known if the method of fertilization affects the global pattern of gene expression. Method: We compared gene expression and development of mouse blastocysts produced by intra-cytoplasmic sperm injection and cultured in Whittens medium (ICSIWM) or KSOM medium with amino acids (ICSIKSOMaa) with control blastocysts flushed out of the uterus on post coital day 3.5 (In vivo). Global pattern of gene expression was assessed using the Affymetrix 430 2.0 chip. In addition we compared gene expression in embryos generated in IVF or ICSI using WM. Results: Blastocysts resulting from ICSI fertilization have a reduction in the number of trophoblastic and inner cell mass cells compared to in vivo generated embryos. Approximately 1000 genes are different between ICSI blastocyst and in vivo blastocysts; proliferation, apoptosis and morphogenetic pathways are the most common pathways altered after in vitro culture. Unexpectedly, only 41 genes were statistically different between embryo cultured in suboptimal conditions (WM) or optimal conditions (KSOMaa). Conclusion: The method of fertilization plays a more important role in shaping the transcriptome of the developing mouse embryo than the culture media used.
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