Chromatin-modifying enzymes regulate the chromatin state during development and disease. Polycomb group proteins control the expression of homeotic genes in developmental patterning via post-translational histone modification. This study focused on the role of the testis-specific polycomb protein, SCML2. SCML2 localizes to the XY chromatin during male meiosis and recruits a deubiquitinase, USP7, attenuating H2A ubiquitination. These functional studies of SCML2 uncovered a new molecular pathway regulating H2A ubiquitination in modulation of sex chromosome silencing during male meiosis.
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View SamplesIdentification of Rad53-dependent gene expression changes in response to HU treatment
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Specimen part, Disease, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesRNA sequencing of tumor transcriptomes
Robust gene expression and mutation analyses of RNA-sequencing of formalin-fixed diagnostic tumor samples.
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View SamplesThe Arabidopsis Branching Enzyme 1 (BE1) gene encodes a putative glycoside hydrolase involved in carbohydrate metabolism. A partial loss-of-function mutation of the BE1 gene (be1-3 mutant) severely impaired adventitious shoot formation and somatic embryogenesis but not root formation in tissue culture. To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying the in vitro plant regeneration defects caused by the BE1 gene mutation, we performed RNA sequencing analysis (RNA-seq) to examine the differential gene expression between WS and be1-3 mutant at dedifferentiation and redifferentiation stages.
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View SamplesWe have expressed a cardiac specific RBFox1 nuclear isoform into neonatal ventricular rat cardiomyocytes. Cells were harvested and compared with mock infected cardiomyocytes. The purpose of this experiments was to perform transcriptome analysis to determine the change of total gene expression and alternative splicing changes caused by RBFox1 expression.
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View SamplesRudhira is essential for mouse developmental angiogenesis and tissue morphogenesis. Embryos lacking endothelial rudhira die at mid-gestation with vascular patterning defects. Rudhira mutant yolk sac endothelial cells show slow and random migration. So to identify key signaling pathways perturbed in the absence of rudhira, we undertook whole transcriptome based analysis of gene expression in rudhira null yolk sac and embryo.
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Specimen part
View SamplesFatty acid synthase is a major enzyme involved in de novo lipogenesis and associated with tumor invasion and poor prognosis. The effect of fatty acid synthase knockdown in retinoblastoma cancer cells (WERI RB1) using siRNA mediated gene silencing were accessed for global gene deregulations. The analysis resulted in RB cancer cell death through deregulations of various cell signalling, metabolic, immunity, angiogenesis, apoptosis and cell cycle pathway related genes. Further validations were done using qRT-PCR and western analysis. Our results provide evidence that blockade in lipid metabolism inturn lead to RB cancer cell death through impaired cell signalling pathway.
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Cell line
View SamplesWe hypothesized that Tiam1 is involved in invassiveness of retinoblastoma. The fuctional role of Tiam1 in cell progression and metastasis was tested by siRNA mediated knockdown of Tiam1 in retinoblastoma Y79 cells. The genes de-regulated in response to Tiam1 knockdown was analysed by cDNA microarray in which most of the actin cytoskeleton regulation proteins and apoptotic proteins were de-regulated. our results prove that Tiam1 modulates actin cytoskeleton and cell invasion in retinoblastoma.
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Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesFatty acid synthase is a major enzyme involved in de novo lipogenesis, associated with energy homeostasis, lipid storage and signalling in normal liver cells. The effect of fatty acid synthase knockdown in normal liver cells (THLE 2) using siRNA mediated gene silencing were assesed for global gene deregulations. The deregulated metabolism, cell signalling and cell cycle pathway related gene expressions were analysed. Statistical significance values were also recorded. This expermental analysis clearly points to a important biochemical role for FASN in normal liver cell physiology.
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Cell line
View SamplesWomen are born with millions of primordial follicles which gradually decrease with increasing age and this irreversible supply of follicles completely exhausts at menopause. The fertility capacity of women diminishes in parallel with aging. The mechanisms for reproductive aging are not fully understood. In our recent work we observed a decline in BRCA1 mediated DNA repair in aging rat primordial follicles. To further understand the age-related molecular changes, we performed microarray gene expression analysis using total RNA extracted from immature (1820 days) and aged (400450 days) rat primordial follicles. The results of current microarray study revealed that there were 1011 (>1.5 fold, p<0.05) genes differentially expressed between two groups in which 422 genes were up-regulated and 589 genes were down-regulated in aged rat primordial follicles compared to immature. The gene ontology and pathway analysis of differentially expressed genes revealed a critical biological function such as cell cycle, oocyte meiosis, chromosomal stability, transcriptional activity, DNA replication and DNA repair were affected by age and this considerable difference in gene expression profiles may have adverse influence on oocyte quality. Our data provide information on the processes that may contribute to aging and age-related decline in fertility.
Age-related changes in gene expression patterns of immature and aged rat primordial follicles.
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