The goal of this study was to identify transcriptomic differences in A549 lung cancer cell line following knockout of the RPA1 gene. A549 cells, and many lung tumors, carry constitutive NRF2 activation. Understanding how RPA1 modulates transcription, particularly NRF2-mediated transcription, is relevant for future cancer therapeutics.
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Sex, Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesTo assess a potential role of transcription factor CREM in the long-term detrimental effects of beta1-adrenoceptor overexpression, four mouse lines were generated and studied: wild-type mice (WT), Crem-normal beta1AR-transgenic mice (beta1ARTG), Crem-deficient non-transgenic mice (Crem-/-) and Crem-deficient beta1AR-transgenic mice (beta1ARTG/Crem-/-). We focused on genes up- or down-regulated in transgenic mice due to the lacking of CREM (beta1ARTG/Crem-/- vs. beta1ARTG).
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Sex, Age, Specimen part
View SamplesZebrafish is an ideal model for the toxicity studies on medicines and environmental genetic toxicants.Different development defects were observed in zebrafish embryos exposed to -ray and heavy ion (carbon or iron) irradiation
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Specimen part
View SamplesThe goal of this study was to determine the role of the X-linked epigenetic mediator, O-linked N-acetylglucosamine transferase (OGT) in establishment of trophoblast-specific sex differences in gene expression and to determine if sex differences in OGT and downstream epigenetic modifications contribute to sex differences in hypothalamic gene expression and development.
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Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesEffect of expression of wild type KSHV RTA or the activation domain (aa608-651) deleted version of RTA in 293T cells on gene expression profiling.
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Cell line, Time
View Samplessearch differential gene expression with ClC-3 knockdown
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View SamplesThe activity of different E2F constructs with respect to gene expression was measured. E2F constructs differed in degradability, and were doxycycline inducible. Different samples with the different E2F constructs, and with or without dox inductions were assayed for gene expression.
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Sex, Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesTo identify proteins regulated by glucose through changes in their rate of protein synthesis, translational profiling of MIN6 cells acutely incubated at either low or high glucose concentration was performed (i.e. microarray analysis was performed on mRNAs associated with polysomes, as an increase in the association of mRNA with polysomes is indicative of an increase in the rate of initiation step of translation and hence an increase in protein expression) (Johannes et al., 1999; Mikulits et al., 2000).
Distinct glucose-dependent stress responses revealed by translational profiling in pancreatic beta-cells.
Specimen part, Cell line, Compound, Time
View SamplesPrediction of human response to chemical exposures is a major challenge in both pharmaceutical and toxicological research. Transcriptomics has been a powerful tool to explore chemical-biological interactions. However, limited throughput, high-costs and complexity of transcriptomic interpretations have yielded numerous studies lacking sufficient experimental context for predictive application. We utilized a novel high-throughput transcriptomics platform to explore a broad range of exposures to 24 reference compounds in both differentiated and undifferentiated human HepaRG cultures. Our goals were to 1) explore transcriptomic characteristics distinguishing liver injury compounds, 2) assess impacts of differentiation state on baseline and compound-induced responses (e.g., metabolically-activated), and 3) identify and resolve reference biological-response pathways and their quantitative translation to human exposures. Study data revealed the predictive utility of transcriptomic concentration-response modeling to quantitatively identify human liver injury compounds by their respective benchmark concentrations (BMCs), and model hepatic responses to classical reference compounds yielding plausibly-relevant estimations of human potency.
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View SamplesBilirubin is a potent antioxidant that reduces inflammation and the accumulation of fat. There have been reports of gene responses to bilirubin, which was mostly attributed to its antioxidant function. These RNA-sequencing studies investigated the impact biliverdin, which is rapidly reduced to bilirubin, has on transcriptome responses in human HepG2 hepatocytes in a PPARa-dependent fashion. This investigation reveals that transcriptome responses from the generation of bilirubin are mostly PPARa-dependent, and its antioxidant function regulates a smaller set of genes.
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Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease, Cell line, Treatment, Race
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