Time-course analysis of shade responsive genes in Col and 12 mutants.
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Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesTime-course data of shade avoidance in NAM parents
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Specimen part, Treatment
View SamplesDevelopmental gradient of expanding maize leaf
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View SamplesIn order to study the gene expression of pollen tubes as they grow in silk after pollination, we pollinated maize W22 silks with maize B73 pollen. The recent (2016) advent of the W22 genome assembly and annotation allows us to single out RNA-seq reads originating from the pollen tubes. B73 pollen, W22 silk and B73 seedling controls were sequenced as well.
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View SamplesPowdery mildew, caused by the fungus Blumeria graminis (DC) Speer, is one of the most important foliar diseases of cereals worldwide. It is an obligate biotrophic parasite, colonising leaf epidermal cells to obtain nutrients from the plant cells without killing them. Syringolin A (sylA), a circular peptide secreted by the phytopathogenic bacterium Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae, triggers a hypersensitive cell death reaction (HR) at infection sites when sprayed onto powdery mildew infected wheat which essentially eradicates the fungus. The rational was to identify genes whose expression was specifically regulated during HR, i.e. genes that might be involved in the switch of compatibility to incompatibility.<br></br>Powdery mildew-infected or uninfected plants were treated with syringolin two days after infection and plant material for RNA extraction was collected at 0.5, 1, 2, 4, 8, 12 hours after treatment (hat), resulting in an early (2 and 4 hat) and late pool (8 and 12 hat). Plant material that was uninfected prior to syringolin treatment was collected 8 and 12 hat (late pool of uninfected plant material), and 1 hat, respectively.
Transcriptional changes in powdery mildew infected wheat and Arabidopsis leaves undergoing syringolin-triggered hypersensitive cell death at infection sites.
Compound, Time
View SamplesThe transcriptional response of Arabidopsis thaliana cell suspensions following treatment with the stress hormone methyl jasmonate (MeJA) was monitored over time 16 hours after subcultivation. Three time points were included: 30 minutes, 2 hours and 6 hours after elicitation with 50µm MeJA or DMSO as a control.
Mapping methyl jasmonate-mediated transcriptional reprogramming of metabolism and cell cycle progression in cultured Arabidopsis cells.
Compound, Time
View SamplesCompare expression profiles between Col-0 and transgenic lines overexpressing AtFAAH(At5g64440) after inoculated with nonhost pathogen Pseudomonas syringae pv. syringae at 0, 6 and 12 hours.
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Age, Specimen part, Subject, Time
View SamplesTranscript profiling and gene expression studies in NAE-treated seedlings: Seeds were germinated and seedlings maintained for 4 d in liquid MS media supplemented with 35 uM NAE(12:0)(N-lauroylethanolamine) prior to RNA isolation.
N-Acylethanolamine metabolism interacts with abscisic acid signaling in Arabidopsis thaliana seedlings.
Age, Specimen part, Compound
View SamplesTo provide novel insights into the molecular basis of floral initiation, RNASeq was used to characterize the soybean transcriptome of leaf and micro-dissected shoot apical meristem at different time points after short-day treatment.
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View SamplesGenome-wide transcriptomes of the bam1, bam2 single and bam1 bam2 double mutants were sequenced and analyzed to uncover locus-associated gene expression variations, providing support for different fates of the duplicated BAM1 and BAM2 genes, including sub-/neofunctionalization after duplication.
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