Embryos were injected with antisense Morpholino Oligonucleotides (AMOs) targetting MyoD. The transcriptional profile of these knock down embryos was compared with embryos injected with control morpholino (CMO).
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View SamplesmRNa encoding for XtMyoD was overexpressed in animal caps and the transcriptional profile of uninjected and injected animal caps was compared.
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View SamplesGene expression was analysed in normally developing Xenopus laevis embryos from early blastula to early neurula stages
Time course of gene expression in early Xenopus development
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View SamplesGenes regulated by the fibroblast growth factor (FGF) signalling pathway were indentified in the early development of the amphibian Xenopus laevis by comparing gene expression in control embryos and embryos in which FGF signalling was inhibited by two different dominant negative FGF receptors.
Characterisation of the fibroblast growth factor dependent transcriptome in early development.
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View SamplesThe gene encoding a protein (AmGSTF1) associated with multiple herbicide resistance (MHR) in black-grass was transgenically expressed in Arabidopsis thaliana.The goal of this study was to determine if AmGSTF1 could elicit an MHR phenotype in the transgenic host.
Key role for a glutathione transferase in multiple-herbicide resistance in grass weeds.
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View SamplesGold is widely considered to be a biologically inert element; however, it can elicit a profound biological response in plants. Plants can be exposed to significant levels of this precious metal in the environment from naturally occurring sources, as the result of mining activities or more recently resulting from the escalating use of nanoparticles in industry. In this microarray study we have investigated the gene expression response of Arabidopsis thaliana (Arabidopsis) to gold. Although the uptake of metal cations by plant transporters is well characterised, little is known about the uptake of gold, which exists in soil predominantly in a zero-valent state (Au0). We used this study to monitor the expression of candidate genes involved in metal uptake and transport. These show the down-regulation of a discreet number of genes known to be involved in the transport of copper, cadmium, nickel and iron.
Arabidopsis Glutathione Transferases U24 and U25 Exhibit a Range of Detoxification Activities with the Environmental Pollutant and Explosive, 2,4,6-Trinitrotoluene.
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View SamplesUpon pathogenic infection, drosophila larval host mounts an immune response. Parasitic wasps inject venom that contain virulence factors during oviposition, which can elicit host immune response, and in some cases, suppress host immune responses altogether. Several microarray experiments have been performed on different classes of parasitic wasps. We wanted to compare how Ganaspis xanthopoda-infected hosts respond compared to other classes of parasitic wasps.
A database for the analysis of immunity genes in Drosophila: PADMA database.
View SamplesT2 progenies of two transgenic lines overexpressing ERF transcription factor WIN1 were grown on soil in parallel under identical conditions. mRNA was extracted from pooled leaves from multiple plants of each line for the microarray experiement.
WIN1, a transcriptional activator of epidermal wax accumulation in Arabidopsis.
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View SamplesThe organs of multicellular species are comprised of cell types that must function together to perform specific tasks. One critical organ function is responding to internal or external change but little is known about how responses are tailored to specific cell types or coordinated among them on a global level. Here we use cellular profiling of five Arabidopsis root cell types in response to a limiting resource, nitrogen, to uncover a vast and predominantly cell-specific response that was largely undetectable using traditional methods. These methods reveal a new class of cell-specific nitrogen responses. As a proof-of-principle, we dissected one cell-specific response circuit that mediates nitrogen-induced changes in root branching from pericycle cells. Thus, cellular response profiling links gene modules to discrete functions in specific cell types.
Cell-specific nitrogen responses mediate developmental plasticity.
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View SamplesTo identify potential transient interactions between a TF and its targets, we developed an approach that can identify primary targets based either on TF-induced regulation or TF-binding, assayed in the same samples. Our studies focused on the TF bZIP1 (BASIC LEUCINE ZIPPER 1), a central integrator of cellular and metabolic signaling.
Hit-and-run transcriptional control by bZIP1 mediates rapid nutrient signaling in Arabidopsis.
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