The significant changes of hematopoietic cells induced by Xbp1S expression indicate that there is global alteration in gene expression. UPR induces transcription of Xbp1, and phosphorylation of the ER transmembrane kinase IRE1 initiates UPR-mediated mRNA splicing of Xbp1, resulting in the production of Xbp1S, an active form of a basic leucine zipper transcription factor. In the present study, Xbp1S retrovirus vector infected 32cl3 cells show cell cycle arrest and myeloid differentiation. Xbp1S may modulate important genes of differentiation and the cell cycle.
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View SamplesTranscriptome analysis in patients with IgG4-RD and healthy controls
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Sex, Age, Disease, Disease stage, Treatment, Race, Subject, Time
View SamplesWnt9b is expressed in the ureteric bud of the kidney at all stages of development. In Wnt9b mutants, the ureteric bud forms but the metanephric mesenchyme is never induced to undergo differentiation.
Myc cooperates with β-catenin to drive gene expression in nephron progenitor cells.
Specimen part
View SamplesWnt9b is expressed in the ureteric bud of the kidney at all stages of development. The Wnt9b cneo allele functions as a partial loss of function. Wnt9bcneo/cneo mutant kidneys initially develop normally but exhaust their nephron progenitor cells by E15.5. Here, we have compared expression between Wnt9bcneo/+ and Wnt9bcneo/cneo kidneys. Additional urogenital tissue (adrenal glands, reproductive tracts and bladder) may have been included in some samples.
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Specimen part
View SamplesDBZ (dibenzazepine) treatment in C57BL/6 mice, pancreatic gene expression
Notch signaling is required for exocrine regeneration after acute pancreatitis.
Sex, Age, Specimen part, Disease, Compound, Time
View SamplesAnalysis of gene expression before (P14), during (P28), and after (P60) the critical period for ocular dominance plasticity.
Gene expression patterns in visual cortex during the critical period: synaptic stabilization and reversal by visual deprivation.
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View SamplesEfferent inhibition of cochlear outer hair cells is mediated by nicotinic cholinergic receptors containing alpha9 (a9) and alpha10 subunits. Mice lacking a9 nicotinic subunits fail to exhibit classic olivocochlear responses and are characterized by abnormal synaptic morphology at the base of outer hair cells. To detail molecular changes induced upon the loss of a9 subunit, we sampled cochlear RNA from wild type and a9 null mice at postnatal (P) days spanning periods of synapse formation and maturation (P3, P7, P13 and P60). Our findings point to a delay in cochlear maturation starting at the onset of hearing (P13), as well as an up-regulation of various GABA receptor subunits in adult mice lacking the a9 nicotinic subunit.
Lack of nAChR activity depresses cochlear maturation and up-regulates GABA system components: temporal profiling of gene expression in alpha9 null mice.
Specimen part
View SamplesExpression profiles in mouse liver exposed to long-term gamma-irradiation were examined to assess in vivo effects of low dose-rate radiation. Three groups of male C57BL/6J mice were exposed to whole body irradiation at dose-rates of 17-20 mGy/day, 0.86-1.0 mGy/day or 0.042-0.050 mGy/day for 401-485 days (cumulative doses were approximately 8 Gy, 0.4 Gy or 0.02 Gy, respectively).
Gene expression profiles in mouse liver after long-term low-dose-rate irradiation with gamma rays.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesThe rat pancreatic cell line AR42J is relatively undifferentiated under normal culture conditions. When the glucocorticoid dexamethasone is added to the medium the cells display a dramatic decrease in proliferative rate and are induced to a more exocrine phenotype that includes increased expression of exocrine pancreas products (digestive enzymes) and more developed regulated secretion. We used microarray to determine changes in gene expression comparing control (without dexamethasone) vs induced (plus dexamethasone).
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Specimen part, Cell line
View SamplesTotal RNA was prepared using TRIzol reagent from the pancreata of eight week old male mice. The genotypes were Control: gastrin+/-, CFTR+/+; and CF: gastrin+/-, CFTR-/-. All mice were on 95% black6, 5% 129Sv background. Mice were fed Peptamen from age 10 days to prevent intestinal obstruction.
Acidic duodenal pH alters gene expression in the cystic fibrosis mouse pancreas.
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