HBV-transgenic mice were treated i.v. with 1x10e11 particles AAV serotype 8 vectors expressing different RNAi-triggers targeting the HBV transcripts. To determine possible toxicities caused by the different vectors (including off-target activity against endogenous genes) we performed a whole transcriptome analysis of RNA of livers harvested 15 days after injection.
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Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesHematopoiesis occurs in a microenviroenment in which stromal cells are prominent. Stromal cells have been shown to maintain stem cell behaviour of hematopoietic stem cells. We derived several different stromal cell lines from midgestation embryos which will, or will not maintain hemetopoietic stem cells in cultures.
Efficient hematopoietic differentiation of human embryonic stem cells on stromal cells derived from hematopoietic niches.
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View SamplesThe anaerobic metabolism of the opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is important for growth and survival during persistent infections. The two Fnr-type transcription factors Anr and Dnr regulate different parts of the underlying network. Both are proposed to bind to a non-distinguishable DNA sequence named Anr box.
Anaerobic adaptation in Pseudomonas aeruginosa: definition of the Anr and Dnr regulons.
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View SamplesHuman foreskin fibroblasts grown as multicellular spheroids or as a monolayer
Fibronectin-integrin interaction activates inflammation- and tumour-associated genes in fibroblast spheroids
Sex, Specimen part, Cell line, Time
View SamplesActivation of the hypoxia inducible transcription factor HIF-alpha and the NF-kappaB pathway promotes inflammation mediated tumor progression.
The hypoxia-inducible transcription factor ZNF395 is controlled by IĸB kinase-signaling and activates genes involved in the innate immune response and cancer.
Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesAssessing the impact of HIV-1 infection on trancriptional program of quiescent CD4 T lymphocytes. Such cells were made susceptible to HIV-1 by dowmodulating SAMHD1 restriction factor using VLP-Vpx without any activation signal.
CD32a is a marker of a CD4 T-cell HIV reservoir harbouring replication-competent proviruses.
Sex, Specimen part
View SamplesWhole-genome transcriptome analysis of NAP1L1 depleted cells was performed to gain insights into NAP1L1 differentially modulated genes whose expression might be relevant during HCV infection.
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Sex, Specimen part, Disease, Cell line
View SamplesThe p53 family is known as a family of transcription factors with functions in tumor suppression and development. Whereas the central DNA binding domain is highly conserved among the three family members p53, p63 and p73, the C-terminal domains (CTDs) are diverse and subject to alternative splicing and post-translational modification. Here we demonstrate that the CTDs strongly influence DNA binding and transcriptional activity. While p53 and the p73 isoform p73gamma have basic CTDs and form weak sequence-specific protein-DNA complexes, the major p73 isoforms alpha, beta and delta have neutral CTDs and bind DNA strongly. A basic CTD has been previously shown to enable sliding along the DNA backbone and to facilitate the search for binding sites in the complex genome. Our experiments, however, reveal that a basic CTD also reduces protein-DNA complex stability, intranuclear mobility, promoter occupancy in vivo, transgene activation and induction of cell cycle arrest or apoptosis. A basic CTD in p53 and p73gamma therefore provides both positive and negative regulatory functions presumably to enable rapid switching of protein activity in response to stress. In contrast, most p73 isoforms exhibit constitutive DNA binding activity consistent with a predominant role in developmental control.
C-terminal diversity within the p53 family accounts for differences in DNA binding and transcriptional activity.
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View SamplesRibosome Profiling was employed to learn about Ribosome A-site occupancies in response to uL11 siRNA treatment or scrambled siRNA treatment in Cystic Fibrosis Bronchial Epithelial (CFBE) cells. Overall design: Ribosome Profiling of cells 96h after siRNA transfection
Slowing ribosome velocity restores folding and function of mutant CFTR.
Specimen part, Subject
View Samplessh RNA of p73 in Fibroblasts compared to non-silencing control
p73 poses a barrier to malignant transformation by limiting anchorage-independent growth.
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