We have expressed a cardiac specific RBFox1 nuclear isoform into neonatal ventricular rat cardiomyocytes. Cells were harvested and compared with mock infected cardiomyocytes. The purpose of this experiments was to perform transcriptome analysis to determine the change of total gene expression and alternative splicing changes caused by RBFox1 expression.
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View SamplesIdentification of Rad53-dependent gene expression changes in response to HU treatment
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Specimen part, Disease, Cell line, Treatment
View SamplesThe Arabidopsis Branching Enzyme 1 (BE1) gene encodes a putative glycoside hydrolase involved in carbohydrate metabolism. A partial loss-of-function mutation of the BE1 gene (be1-3 mutant) severely impaired adventitious shoot formation and somatic embryogenesis but not root formation in tissue culture. To gain a better understanding of the molecular mechanism underlying the in vitro plant regeneration defects caused by the BE1 gene mutation, we performed RNA sequencing analysis (RNA-seq) to examine the differential gene expression between WS and be1-3 mutant at dedifferentiation and redifferentiation stages.
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View SamplesChromatin-modifying enzymes regulate the chromatin state during development and disease. Polycomb group proteins control the expression of homeotic genes in developmental patterning via post-translational histone modification. This study focused on the role of the testis-specific polycomb protein, SCML2. SCML2 localizes to the XY chromatin during male meiosis and recruits a deubiquitinase, USP7, attenuating H2A ubiquitination. These functional studies of SCML2 uncovered a new molecular pathway regulating H2A ubiquitination in modulation of sex chromosome silencing during male meiosis.
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